Authenticating GitLab Access with a Private VCS Repository
If you are using a private GitLab VCS on a private deployment, you can use a very similar process as for the cloud-based GitLab VCS systems to access your local repositories.
The steps are almost exactly the same as for Cloud GitLab. Once logged into the GitLab Enterprise server, click on the user icon to get the User menu.

The Applications page is essentially the same as the GitLab Cloud version.

The most significant difference between the Cloud and the Private version is that the callback URL is different. You MUST replace the text: gitlab
with enterprise-gitlab
as shown in the screen display above.
As before, select both the Confidential and the api options. Once you click on Save Application you get the success window with the Application ID and Secret as before. All remaining steps are as described for the GitLab Cloud instructions.
Last updated