Executing the Workflow

With iCR container registered, the .gitlab-ci.yml script installed within the projects to be included in a CI/CD workflow, and the relevant user supplied variables defined, the workflow is ready to be used. The DevOps engineer can edit the yml script to add triggering events such as responding to a new commit, or as the result of a routine timer.

Once the analysis is initiated by the iCR container, the workflow does not wait for the analysis to complete. Analysis for larger projects may take many hours so it does not make sense to monitor the workflow to wait for it to complete.

Rather, once initiated, the workflow moves on and the analysis runs until it completes. When done, the email address specified in the OR_MAIL_ADDRESS variable is sent a notification that the analysis was completed. If there are errors, then the email message will contain any errors that occured.

Upon receiving notification of completion, any User who knows the access passphrase to the specified iCR server may connect to the Navigator there and process results. Of course, if a User connects while an analysis is in progress, the User will see that the engine is busy so a new analysis may not be started manually.

Last updated