Accepting a fix when integrated with your bug system

If you have integrated iCR into your bug tracking system, accepting a fix has an additional consequence. By accepting a fix, when you are integrated with a bug tracking system, the fix will be inserted into your bug database.

Let's look at how this works when using Jira Software to manage the bug database.

In Integrating with Jira - Define Your Project, we created a new project to track bugs from iCR. We named it iCR-Bug-Tracking with a project key of IBT.

When a fix is accepted in the Reviewer, it is automatically inserted into the Jira project. Here is what happens:

  • After accepting the fix, go to the iCR-Bug-Tracking project in Jira

  • List all of the current issues in that project. It will display a new bug with the title matching the iCR fix ID

  • The Description field of the new bug will match the description summary from the Reviewer

  • Scrolling down through the content of the bug, you will see the diffs that are needed to effect the fix identified by iCR

Once in your bug tracking database, you may review it further using your normal DevOps processes.

View these steps in the video below:

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