Reviewing your results

Once you have completed an analysis of one of your project branches, you can use the Navigator to begin reviewing the results. We will use an example project, Thunder, to demonstrate how to use the Navigator to access the results.

Following the completion of the analysis on the master branch, the Navigator now shows the Review icon as being available.

Clicking on the Review icon will open a browser tab with a new Reviewer screen.

Notice that the top banner from the Navigator screen is also available in the Reviewer, with one exception. The Settings icon is gone and replaced by the Home icon. This allows you to return to a Navigator from this same tab. This is convenient if you have closed the Navigator tab following the initiation of a Reviewer session.

The initial screen displays a summary of all previous analysis sessions (if any). You may have run the ICR Engine more than once. It is helpful to repeat the analysis as you make changes to your code base. Subsequent runs may reveal new issues that were introduced with the changes in the code base.

The sessions will be listed with the most recent at the top of the list and will have the highest Session number. To view the results of any previous analysis, click on its Show Results button.

While you can select the results of any past session, only the most recent will permit the user to make changes. Results from older sessions may only be viewed.

There may be cases where you want to compare the results of one analysis with another one done previously. That could be between 2 analyses on the same branch or across branches. The Show Comparisons feature does just that. That feature is described in the Comparing Analyses) section of this document.

In the example above, we will be reviewing the initial set of results that we just produced so will click on the Show Results button on the right side of the iCR Session: 1 header.

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